
Digital Marketing Geek

No this is not Dumbledore…twenty points to Gryffindor if you can guess who this beardy dude is!

No this is not Dumbledore…twenty points to Gryffindor if you can guess who this beardy dude is!

Nerd & Creative

Who studies the history of communication and storage technology? This girl right here! I am fascinated with how our communication tools advancements shape us. That even from the creation of the written word smart folks have been warning about information overloaded and warning we sacrifice our memories and recall when we opt for quick, easy and accessible knowledge. They would shit their tunics if they came face to face with Tick Tock, god help us all. I even did my dissertation on this very topic: ‘From Guttenberg to Google: the History of Information Overload’ read at your own peril.

I continue to be obsessed with it to this day. I am constantly reading about how these tools, these producers of constant-streaming-inforamtion can be harnessed in a genuine way to help brands cut through-the-constant-feed-of-noise-lights-gifs-videos to make a meaningful connection.

I am NOT a digital expert but my organic and sheer geek approach to digital marketing, has resulted in a great success with the companies and clients I have worked for. This nerd-tastic approach paired with a bit of creative mental glitter and an understanding that digital isn’t a sales platform but a storytelling platform, has served me well.