
Antonia Guise

Brand, Defining Audience and Marketing Guidance

The jewellery industry’s marketing is still so archaically driven by the notion of “gifting”. We all know the adverts…the glowing women is given yet another twee charm for her bracelet by smug son or harried husband. So, when I was asked by Antonia Guise to support in some brand exploration and marketing guidance, I jumped at the opportunity. This badass Bermondsey-based Jewellery Designer brings a bold, British identity to the forefront of her collections, which are designed to empower women. Modern day battle armour from the boardroom to the streets.

Unable to find pieces that reflected her own personality, Antonia decided to design her first debut collection; Fatale. We worked over numerous session to define her core brand values, identify her target audience and pipeline her communication and sales strategy in a way that reflected her and her works’ attitude.